I have supported you since my youth, in the days of Ricardo Villa, Ossie Ardiles, Steve Archibald, Glen Hoddle and Steve Perryman. Since then I have withstood the annual disappointment of being a Spurs fan, and resisted the temptation to support your worst enemies Arsenal, despite them being far more successful and playing very attractive attacking football.

I will be in England in early-October, so I give you until then to help me decide whether I come to White Hart Lane to watch your match against Villa, or somehow get to the Emirates to watch Arsenal try to do better against Sunderland than you did.
U forgot to mention my beloved Glenn Hoddle. The mid fielder with that deft long ball. Booo Hooo
What on earth are you complaining about? Annual disappointment!!!!! I'm a Leeds fan and can remember the days of Don Reevie, Alan Clarke, Billy Bremner, Trevor Cherry, Johnny Giles, Paul Madeley, Eddie Gray & Andy Gray (and later the other Andy Gray), David Harvey, Jackie Charlton, Gordon Strachen and many more but I shan't bore you.... the two points being that 1) you can't get that disappointed being a Spurs fan as they were never a "Leeds of old" were they? Their only real claim to fame was Ozzie Ardeles playing for them during the Falklands war!!! 2) you don't know disappointment like Leeds fans ... ANGUISH is probably a better word.
PS All southern teams are soft as treacle anyway!
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