After weeks of thinking about it, (Should I? Shouldn't I?!!) I finally took the plunge and started ordering parts for my new bike, which I plan to unveil to the World in August at the Desaru Long-Distance Triathlon. I've ordered a pair or 50mm deep section carbon wheels from the UK, complete with bags, tubular tyres, titanium skewers etc... and a couple of carbon bottle cages...

Hopefully I'll get a couple of short rides on it in before the first big test on 12 August (Desaru Tri) - to get everything all set for my main event of the year - S'pore Half-Ironman on 2 Sept.
Titiwangsa Run
As part of my plan to squeeze a bit more training into each week, and a desire to update my blog with a new PB, I went for a short 6km run around Lake Titiwangsa after work yesterday and... I managed a new PB time of 35:21 (17:50+17:31), over 2 minutes faster than my previous best set about 6 months ago.
All Excited
Now I've taken the plunge with my new bike, I thought I'd better start thinking about crank length, cassette ratios etc... so I checked my current bike. (Warning - Tech talk ahead folks).
I've always thought that my gearing was 52/42 with a 12-25 cassette, explaining why most cycling companions have it easier on climbs on newer bikes with a slightly smaller 39 chainring. However to my surprise it turns out that my bike is 53/39 and 13-23. No wonder I struggle a bit on long or steep climbs - I always thought I had a 25 for that, but its only 23! That means I climbed Genting on a 39 x 23! Wow!
So anyway my conclusion is that my new bike will also be 53/39 but with a 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-23 10-speed cassette. And it'll have to be the biggest size - XL (57cm). That's 3cm smaller that my current steed but that's normal these days now that seatposts are strong enough to be longer.
I think you should go for the 12-25 cassette. Better spread and reserve cogs for climb.
i think the 12-23 is good, but keep a spare 12-25 handy. i've got a 12-23 on my race bike but i can switch to a 12-25 when needed, only takes 5 minutes. one thing i've found with the 12-23, is that i'm most comfortable cranking 53/18 and you don't get the 18 in a 12-25. it's a very nice gear.
oh... and congratulations on the new bike. can't wait to see it.
i cant wait.. i can imagine it already... black yellow.
Can it Transform into an alien looking robot?
"Saunier Duvalva-tron" with Planet X weaponary.
Bernard got bitten by the Transformer bug.
cant wait to see ur new bike in action!!!
Whoaaaaaa ..... can't wait to see its unveiling in Desaru!
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