Saturday, January 19, 2008


I've always known Heathrow was either one of or the busiest airport/s in the World, and have often seen stacks of aircraft circling above each other, but never actually knew they had flight paths and stack locations like this...

I worked at Heathrow in Summer 1994 (building a car-park extension) and clearly remember being quite amazed at the miles-long line of flickering aircraft lights seemingly floating in the sky in a perfectly straight line rising slowly up into the distance. The planes would land at 50-60sec intervals.

It was quite exciting when the unmistakable roar of Concorde (much louder than all the other planes) could be heard at 11am for the flight to NY.

I got this whilst reading about the 777 that crash landed there yesterday. Thankfully (an quite amazingly!) nobody died.

Funnily enough, the co-pilot who actually landed the plane is called John Coward!

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