Tuesday, January 16, 2007

First Event of 2007

This Sunday is my first "event" of the year - the Great Eastern Pacesetters 30k run (20k for me). I am very much looking forward to it. If I finish in under 2h 20m I'll be well pleased. I might even take my bike along and go for a ride afterwards.


NEZZ said...

Hi there!! Once u've done with your 20k & decide to ride yr bike later, pls rescue me if u 'found' me still struggling with the 30k... :)

fook said...

hey,u tempted me to bring my bike to GE30k also! but after 30k dont think can ride anymore...all the best this sunday!

bola2api said...

u can still ride after 20k of running?

i tried P0lar 625 yesterday. It's quite good. been thinking of getting one soon.. I fancy the 725 watch.

Adrian said...

it will be a slow short ride if i can be bothered.