Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Swim Lesson #27

Bukit Jalil 20/2/08
Coach Peh + Michelle, Shahrom, Christopher


2 x 100m [1:55's]
1 x 100m w buoy


1 x 100m (25m shooter drill - 25m normal - repeat)
1 x 100m (25m shooter drill - 75 normal)
1 x 100m normal

also did some body position drills - kicking with arms extended, behind ears, to get used to a good horizontal position, then do 6 strokes and return to drill position. repeat.

with shooter drill, emphasise strong catch with hand, keeping elbows up and accelerating towards the end.

Main Set:

12 x 100m [varied 1:55 - 2:00] ,10-15s rests
8 x 100m all with paddles, alternating w-w/o buoy [fastest 1:45 w paddle only]
1 x 400m
1 x 300m [6:27]

1 x 100m cool down.

TOTAL 3,400m+

Lesson for tonight - must always concentrate on body position. Also, the reason for the S pattern is that your constantly pushing against undisturbed water. If you follow a straight line you end up pushing (less effectively) against water that is already moving backwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi. i want to improve my strokes. how much is the swimming lessons and where do u train?