Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shut Up & Follow The Rules!!!!!!!!!

There's yet another School Uniform v Religion story on the BBC, and I feel compelled to vent my feelings before I sleep.

Basically, a 14-year old Sikh girl in England insists she has the right to wear a bangle to school (as part of her religion) even though the school rules say you can't wear them.

I reckon she should follow the bloody school rules!!!!!!! What sort of society do you think we'd have if everyone was allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted to if they knew they just had to say that it was part of their religion??? You'd suddenly have a million-and-one new religions popping-up everywhere.

"Excuse me sir, I'm a New-Age Geordie and I say that I must wear a Newcastle United shirt to school. Also, my religion forbids me from paying taxes and I must sacrifice a human baby every Friday night - is that OK? If not I'm sure there's a thousand Human Rights Lawyers salivating at the prospect of a lengthy legal process to help me assert my rights"

When are people going to stop thinking that they have the right to do whatever they want to just because they say that it is required by Religion A, B, or C????????? England is not a Sikh country, a Muslim country or a Christian country. There are some rules that everyone has to follow, some rules that over-ride your religious rules.

School rules say wear a green jumper and no jewellry - DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD GIRL!!!!!!!!

If you want to follow Religion A strictly, go and live in a Religion A country. Repeat for B, C D etc...

If you want to live in multi-cultural multi-religious tolerant England, with equality, human rights etc....you need to accept that not all religions can be catered for 100%.

So there! Good night folks!...and may you be blessed by whoever or whatever you pray to!


Unknown said...

This is almost as ridiculous as the jokers at the supermarket who refuse to serve customers who wish to purchase alcoholic beverages. And the medical students who refuse to attend lectures or answer exam questions on STD's and alcohol-related diseases.


Simon said...

Hoorah! Well said.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I've had ENOUGH of pompous, self obsessed, self righteous and intollerant asses that go on and on about how their religious rights have been violated and how the whole world has to bend to their every whim and fancy. Get off your moral high horse and learn to live with others!